In Davidson County, TN small claims cases are filed in the Small Claim Court. Davidson County has 2 Courts that handle small claims, serving different jurisdictions.
Squabble is here to assist you in navigating the small claims court system and filing a claim with ease. We recognize that not everyone is a legal expert, and our goal is to simplify the process for you. This guide will answer your questions about filing claims in the Davidson Court System.
In Tennessee General Sessions Court, the relaxed procedures mean that recoverable amounts are more limited compared to other courts. For small claims actions, you can recover up to $25,000.
The Small Claims Division addresses cases where individuals, partnerships, corporations, or sole proprietors seek monetary compensation for various issues, including:
When you come to court for your trial or hearing, make sure to bring all your witnesses and all your proof. This includes any papers, documents, pictures, or other items of proof, which the court calls exhibits. You must show the other side all the proof you intend to use before the trial begins. They must also show you their proof.
Proof can include:
Seeing the proof ahead of time saves time in court. The judge does not want to waste time while you look at each other’s proof. Showing proof to each other before court gives you a chance to see what the other side will use.
Bring the original of your proof for the court to see, a copy for yourself, and enough copies for the other side.
When you come to court, dress and act in a neat and respectful manner, similar to how you would for an important job interview. This helps show respect and ensures a fair trial. The courtroom is divided into two main areas:
While in the court building, maintain your best behavior. Avoid cursing, yelling, name-calling, or being rude. Don’t make noises, threats, or speak loudly. Turn off your cell phone and avoid loitering outside the courtroom or in the halls. Be polite to everyone, even if you disagree with them, and follow the judge’s instructions.
During your case, stand when speaking to the judge, questioning a witness, or making an objection. Standing shows respect and helps ensure that the judge can hear you clearly.
Arrive at court at least 15 minutes early. Allow extra time for parking, going through security, and finding the courtroom. When court starts, the judge or clerk will read the list of cases for the day, known as the docket call. When your name is called, raise your hand and say “here.”
Important Points:
If You Have an Emergency:
Remember: Failing to show up on time can result in losing your case through default or dismissal. Your court date is crucial, so ensure you arrive on time.
(A) Docket Call: At the start of court, the judge or clerk reads the list of cases, known as the docket call. Arrive early and respond with “here” when your name is called. The judge will check if cases are settled, grant continuances, or dismiss cases if parties are absent.
(B) Settling Before Trial: Try to settle your case with the other party or their attorney before the trial. If you’re close to a settlement during the docket call, inform the judge. They may grant additional time if needed.
(C) Trial or Hearing: The judge will hear cases one by one. Be present and ready when your name is called.
While this court tries to minimize the use of legal jargon, it's important to understand these key terms:
I. Opening Statement: Each side gives a brief overview of their case, outlining what they expect to prove. This helps the judge understand the case.
II. Plaintiff’s Proof: If you’re the plaintiff, present your evidence first. You must show that your evidence is more convincing than the defendant’s. After presenting each witness, the defendant can cross-examine. Once you’ve finished, you "rest" your case.
III. Defendant’s Proof: As the defendant, you present your evidence after the plaintiff rests. Call your witnesses and allow the plaintiff to cross-examine. When finished, you also "rest" your case.
IV. Rebuttal: After both sides rest, the plaintiff can bring rebuttal witnesses to counter the defendant’s proof. The defendant can then question these witnesses and possibly offer additional evidence to counter the rebuttal.
V. Closing: Each side summarizes their key points and evidence. Keep your closing statement brief and focused. Judges may impose time limits.
VI. Decision: The judge decides the outcome of the case. Regardless of the result, remain calm and respectful. Avoid arguing or being disruptive. If you have questions, ask the judge how to proceed or consult the court clerk.
(a) Hearsay: You cannot use hearsay—testimony about what someone else said. Only testify about what you personally know. The person who wrote or created written proof must be present in court.
(b) Questioning Witnesses: Avoid leading questions (suggesting the answer) with your own witnesses. You can use them with the other side’s witnesses.
(c) Relevance: Evidence must be relevant to the case and help prove your argument. Irrelevant evidence or evidence meant to embarrass the other side is not allowed.
(d) Authenticity: You must prove that your evidence (documents, photos, etc.) is genuine, typically with a witness who can verify it.
(e) Objecting: If the other side breaks evidence rules, you can object by saying, “Your honor, I object” and explain why. The judge will rule “sustained” or “overruled.” Always be respectful and avoid arguing with the judge.
If you disagree with the judge’s decision, you or the other side can appeal. You have ten (10) days to appeal to the Circuit Court, where a different judge will review the case. To appeal:
More than 10 days before a trial, a party defending against a claim can offer to settle the case by allowing judgment against them for a specified amount of money or property, including any costs that have accumulated. Similarly, the party making the claim can offer to settle by allowing judgment against the opposing party for a specified amount of money or property, including costs.
If the other party agrees to the offer within 10 days, they can file the offer and the acceptance with the court, and judgment will be entered accordingly. If the offer is not accepted, it is considered withdrawn and cannot be used as evidence, except when determining costs. If the final judgment is not better than the offer, the party who rejected the offer must pay all costs that accrued after the offer was made. Even if an offer is not accepted, it doesn’t prevent new offers from being made later.
(1) Garnishee’s Duty Generally A garnishee served with a writ of garnishment must respond and account for any property belonging to the judgment debtor, including real estate, personal property, money, wages, corporate stock, claims, and court judgments.
(2) Service of Writ of Garnishment The sheriff serves the garnishee with three copies of the writ of garnishment and one copy of the notice to the judgment debtor.
(3) Garnishee’s Duty Upon Service The garnishee must check for the debtor's property by the next business day after service. If found, one copy of the writ and notice must be mailed to the debtor’s last known address. For financial institutions, the account balance at the end of the service date is subject to garnishment.
Within ten days of service, the garnishee must file a written answer with the court listing any of the debtor's property they hold. Within thirty days of service, the garnishee must pay the court any money or wages (after exemptions) owed to the debtor. For other types of property, a judgment and writ of execution may be issued against the garnishee.
(4) Failure of Garnishee to Respond If the garnishee fails to respond or pay timely, a conditional judgment may be entered, and they will be ordered to show why it should not be final. If they do not provide sufficient cause within ten days, the judgment will become final, and a writ of execution may be issued against the garnishee for the full amount owed, plus costs.
Don't allow the intricacies of the legal system to discourage you from pursuing justice and compensation for your claim. With Squabble, you have a dedicated partner to streamline the process and guide you toward resolution. Whether you're contemplating filing a claim at Davidson County small claims court, Squabble is here to support you at every stage. Reach out to us today to commence your journey toward justice and compensation. Get started today and become one of the 95% of our customers who won or settled their case.
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